Braces Invisalign Port Jefferson, Medford, NY
Dr. David Amram and Dr. Justin Ohnigian Dr. David Amram and Dr. Justin Ohnigian
70 N Country Rd Port Jefferson, NY 11777 Port JeffersonNY11777
(631) 928-9800 $$$
from Miller place
Jul 18, 2014
I have to rate Coolsmiles 5 plus plus. My two older boys went to another orthodontist in the area and the whole process was a nightmare. Factory like, staff not nice to my children or myself at all. My dentist, Dr. Gambino, referred my with my two younger children to coolsmiles and I can not say enough positive about the practice. They treat my children and myself as of we are at a five star establishment always. From the receptionist the office staff, tech and of course the wonderful doctors. They are always friendly and personably. Never has any staff member been not nice to my kids. My children never complain. I wish new what I do now and I would have only taken all of my children to Coolsmiles. I highly recommend Coolsmiles to everyone I know. Don't change a thing Coolsmiles! We all love each one of you.
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